30 June 2008

No Cocktail Weenies For You!

Thanks to both Think Progress & ultimately, the Washington Post, we now know The New (thanks, Cindy, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you ****") Straight Talk Express Boeing 737-400 version now has a section featuring a couch and two captain's chairs and an area for cameras, a section in which, McCain senior aide Mark Salter quipped this morning, "only the good reporters" would get to sit in the specially-configured section for interviews. "You'll have to earn it."

So what's the price of access to those precious cocktail weenies these days, those petite porcine protuberances which permit the possessor to pass as persons possessing the pulchritude of privilege in protest of us plebeians? Aye, the paucity of perspicacity!

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