14 March 2008

"He Tried To Kill My Dad!!"

Uh George, after a review of over 600,000 captured Iraqi documents, no one seems to be able to find any mention of that particular plot (looks like you lied to us yet again). But there is a great quote from you in that CNN article linked above, namely

Houston is the adopted hometown of the president's father, former President Bush, and in discussing the threat posed by Saddam, the current president offered his staple list of complaints about Iraq's defiance of the United Nations and his contention that Iraq is working aggressively on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs. "This is a man who continually lies," Bush said.
Takes one to know one, eh?

Here's ABC News' link to the executive summary of the military study that the Bushies have now decided not to release after all...

update 26 March - the entire report (big *.pdf) has finally been released and is available here. The FAS also has an overview.

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