29 December 2007

Someone Else's Words

I'm lamenting my paucity of words tonight then I find these words from Kevin Hayden (via Jon Swift's Best Blog Posts of 2007 (Chosen by the Bloggers Themselves)), Kevin's post entitled "The unnecessary death of Nataline Sarkysian … or is it murder?" Yeah, she's the woman CIGNA Healthcare refused to pay for her (available) liver transplant saying the care plan chosen was "experimental".

The Hippocratic Oath: “First, do no harm” has evolved into “America can’t afford some of its lives.”

And I have questions that rise above the presidential campaign that goes to America’s clergy and the “values voters” who dominated the headlines a few short years ago: “You fought so hard for the continued life support of Terry Schiavo, so where your voices and energy for Nataline Sarkysian?

Are you telling us that Terry’s husband could not make decisions in Terry’s interest but some graysuit beancounter in the insurance racket gets to decide that Nataline Sarkysian must die???
Conservative republican right-wing evangelicals, I've but two words for your worthless selves - guess which? A god that calls you assholes "righteous" is a god I know to be the "other guy" thereby proving your "religion" is the same as what I just flushed an hour ago (minus the corn). Damn your worthless eyes.

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