24 October 2007

Don Sn-Foil Chapeau

I thought in 2007 we would see the promised flying cars, not a twenty-three year late imposition of George Orwell's 1984 (it's supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual, assholes). Nonetheless, here we are and here things be. It's really tough to look at the presidential candidates and make any kind of choice (although 1- I sent Dodd $25 for standing up to GW and the retroactive telco immunity & 2- Ghouliani is Bush-Cheney on steroids) as for the first time in my 51, I do not think there will an election in 2008, certainly not one that is either free or fair. (And writing this feels shocking in its own rite)

What I see today is Cheney ordering a nuclear attack on Iran late September-early October 2008, and unfortunately, enough young eager (stupid) evangelicals in high enough positions in the USAF to pull it off. Why do I say this?
1-"you do not introduce new product in August"
2-remember the
Branch Davidian and Somalia "gifts" Bush I left for Mr. Clinton? (Bill is, to this day, still blamed for the Ruby Ridge incident that happened summer of 1992 under Bush I)
3-What better way to terrify the electorate into either electing Ghouliani or canceling the election entirely?

Please, I really hope that I am wrong, would love to be eating crow next fall. But do any of you non-existant hordes out there really think that I am wrong? And even if I am wrong, any doubt that the Iraq war will serve as the Timothy
McVeigh finishing school for domestic terrorists? Heard anything about the gang graffiti that has appeared in Iraqi streets, the white supremacists and militia types that have entered our military for training purposes? The future is a scary place these days...

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