30 April 2008

Capitalist Piggies

1-Never trust a boss. Ever.

2-When all the big cheeses call a meeting and tell you "We're not liquidating the company", you have about a week of employment left before they - [beat] -
liquidate the company.

3-When the big cheese hisself sez "_____, we need to talk with you" and there's only three in the room including a stranger, your time is done.

Stupid me, forgot rule #1 in the corporate life, "Never trust a boss, ever". Even if you give them 8 years of your life, if - stupid you - you're still "low man on the totem pole", when the hard times come, even if self-inflicted by said big cheese(s), you, my friend, are el-toast-ola. As in gone, outta here, sayronara. Well, that was my week. And your humble narrator doesn't have a fucking clue where to go from here. The US electronics industry is dead, all the big guys shipped it overseas.

I won't badmouth my ex-employer, there are some good people there, maybe not those holding the reigns but some good folks there nonetheless.

I reserve my scorn for the HR/payroll bunch brought in circa 2005 or thereabouts, Administaff. HR folks are usually pretty cold and impersonal especially at RIF/layoff/firing time, but you guys take the fucking cake - your hatchet folks are goddamn reptiles, what flows through their & your veins is not blood but icewater - they demanded I put a notary seal on the release of liability document that authorized my severance pay. Fire me, make me release you from any liability in order to get what's due me and charge me up to $25 for the 'privilege'? Fuck you, Administaff, you are now a flag and where you are, I will not again be. Dammit. Wish I could show you what those reptiles made me sign and notarize but I did make them notarize it for free.

BTW, Mike Judge's movie Office Space is the real thing. If your boss ever announces Hawaiian shirt day is Friday be afraid. Very afraid.

update 05 May - SOS, the folks at the top make the big mistakes, the folks on the bottom pay the price. I've had my fill of this. Anyone else?

15 April 2008

The "Compassionate Conservative"

1) This is the most powerful person in the world. Wouldn't he look more appropriate stuffing firecrackers into frogs, lighting the fuses and watching them suffer, instead of being, again, the most powerful person in the world? One word - "pathetic".

2) This is a "Christian", a follower of Jesus, allegedly the "savior of mankind" . Can you offer me a better proof that there is no god whatsoever, let alone a "savior"? Friday we learned this man authorized authorized "interrogation techniques the UN considers to be (and has prosecuted as) war crimes. The United States has previously prosecuted these techniques as Federal Crimes. Yet this guy is an emissary for christ. An atheist does not believe in religion. An indifferenest does not care enough to discuss it.

John "Keating Five" McCain should never be president. Although pissed on by George W. Bush in 2000, McCain thought enough of George in 2008 to release campaign photos with the frog snuffer, aka the most powerful person in the world.

mega thanx for the image from Blue Texan at FireDogLake

12 April 2008


Major "Open Office" crash two weeks ago took out my C drive and toasted my XP computer... $600 & two weeks later finally got something back (first & last time somebody else does my computer work, dammit, been using PCs since 1988 or so). The big surprise is that my C drive was trashed so I lost a lot of stuff... Good news (if any) is that the new box is dual-boot linux. Oh and I'm also not soliciting (from my non-readers) any $ for the new PC.